IOG Catalyst Team: Plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

As part of the Catalyst Fund Operations service proposal, the Catalyst Team is committed to providing continuous, accessible updates to the Cardano community. Updates and outputs will be published on the Catalyst website and public Gitbook.

In addition to monthly progress reports and completed milestone proof-of-achievement ceremonies, the Catalyst team promotes and will continue to promote outcomes, outputs, and general progress in the following ways:

Weekly newsletters:

Reach: 60,000 mailing list members

Weekly email updates sent to all mailing list members to provide a run down on progress and highlight key achievements amounting to approximately 40 weekly newsletters over a 12 month period.

Fortnightly technical development updates:

Reach: Averaging per week: 3,000 report readers; 60,000 Twitter views; 100 retweets

The Catalyst Team intends to provide technical development updates every two weeks as part of the overall Cardano technical development update communications. This will amount to at least 24 updates over the next 12 months, accounting for the seasonal winter holiday period.

Weekly Town Halls:

Reach: At least 1,000 viewers, up to 10,000 periodically

The Catalyst Team intends to continue to host the weekly ‘global’ Catalyst Town Hall on Wednesdays at 5PM UTC, and publish it on YouTube for on-demand availability. Town Hall is a mainstay platform for communicating key progress and achievements, and provides an opportunity to gather insights from attendees about new features or potential changes to Catalyst operations. Catalyst funded projects that have achieved project-completion status will be highlighted weekly. Furthermore, the Catalyst Team also intends to continue to host after-town hall breakout sessions on an ad-hoc basis whereby a deeper discussion can be held around key topics of interest. A summary of updates regarding the Catalyst program and technical achievements will be featured monthly.

This will amount to at least 40 Town Halls over the next 12 months, accounting for the seasonal winter holiday period and any periods of ‘cooldown’ between each fund.

Catalyst Blogs:

Reach: Averaging 5,000 readers per blog based on the last 12 months

Regular blogs published via help to amplify progress and updates to outputs that have been achieved. The Catalyst Team expects to produce at least six blogs over the 12 month period.

Project Catalyst Annual Impact and Evaluation Report

The Catalyst Team will publish an annual Project Catalyst report that highlights the achievements of Catalyst funded projects funded and produces a summarized analysis of outputs and success metrics that the Catalyst programme has delivered over the period, serving as a 'State of the Nation' artefact for the Cardano Community and wider blockchain industry.

Last updated